Monday, August 13, 2012


Fallow - not in use; inactive.

When I think of the word fallow I envision the farmer standing in the doorway of his simple home, wiping the sweat from his brow with a soiled blue rag he keeps in the back pocket of his overalls. He considers the fallow land stoically before turning to his wife, saying "Betsy. If this drought continues you much longer...well, I just don't know what we'll do." Betsy's chin digs into her chest as she places the apple pie on the table.

Then the farmer looks at his daughter and says "Betsy," because her name is Betsy too, "did you finish your chores?"

And Betsy, the farmers daughter sighs and sets aside her puzzle to go milk the cow. The cow is also named Betsy. Things gets confusing around the household. The farmer turns back to the fallow, drought stricken land and shakes his head.

Of course, the entire thing is just a front for a Meth Lab.