Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Aphorism - A terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation.

It does not matter how much a person resembles Sasquatch, or that every time he (or she) speaks all you can imagine them saying is "Fe Fi Fo Fum" and at any given moment you fear they will grab you by the waist and climb to the top of the nearest sky scraper to swat at helicopters. A person so large and rotund you wonder if they arrive to work by beanstalk.

Sure, these little aphorisms might apply to the person and fit them like a brand new moo-moo, but these are not polite things to say. We must always remember that. Just because it's true, and we want nothing more than to put someone in their place, we are grown ups. AT least until you put your two weeks in. Then that person better keep their tone in check lest you be forced to resort the Microsoft Word file you've been keeping on your desk top full of insults for everyone.

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