Thursday, October 21, 2010


Amok: [adverb] [adjective] in a murderously frenzied state. A violently raging manner.

Amok is such an underutilized word. The only time you really hear it is when children start "running amok" - which is to say "there are children running around in a murderously frenzied state", something I find visually disturbing. I used to think "children running amok" meant a group of children were horsing around without regard to adult supervision or respect to the traditional manners of civilized people. As it turns out when children run amok they are knife wielding maniacs foaming at the mouth. Go figure.

With that being said I would like to see the word applied to other situations. It's usage should be more flexible.

Real Life Usage:

Bill: Dude I just spent $27.00 at Taco Bell!
Ted: Yo you got taco's amok!
Bill: Dude I know! I got stabbed on the ride home by a nacho!

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