Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Ubiquitous [adj] 1.) Being or seeming to be everywhere, or in all places, at the same time.

I'm not going to lie, I love this word. Every time I see it laid down in a news article, or someone slips it nonchalantly into a conversation, I take a handful of confetti out of my pocket (I always stuff my pockets full of confetti every morning because every day is just waiting to be celebrated) and throw it in the air. Then I dance until everyone walks away from me and/or I'm asked to sit down. Come to think of it confetti is a very ubiquitous item. So is stripper glitter. It gets everywhere, and you're always finding it on you days later, even after showering. That's really fun. I'm glad I realized that.

Common Usage:

Man drinking Big Gulp outside 7-11: Dude. Jesus is so ubiquitous.
Man drinking Slurpee: Dude, I think the word you're looking for is omnipresent.
Man drinking Big Gulp: No. Ubiquitous.
Man drinking Slurpee: Omnipresent.
Man drinking Big Gulp: Ubiquitous!
Jesus: I wish you guys wouldn't talk about me while I'm standing right here.
Both Men together: Woah!

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