Monday, June 13, 2011


LUCUBRATE - 1. To work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night. 2. To write learnedly.

At first I thought this word was "lubricate" and was mildly disgusted. Upon further lucubration I realized this word was all right after all. It's a word just like any other words, except it got mixed up with the wrong crowd, words like lubricate, which make some pretty inappropriate insinuations.

On the one hand you could lucubrate deep into the night, perhaps putting the final touches on the Next Great American Novel (or the Next Great Estonian Novel, if you happen to be writing for the citizens of Estonia), on the other hand if you're lubricating deep into the night chances are you aren't putting the final touches on anything, in fact anything you even try to touch you just slide right off it.

So if you've been lucubrating I'd like to shake you're hand. If you've been lubricating I will be happy to wave to you as I pass by.

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