Monday, June 27, 2011



\YAIR-lee\ , adveb;
1.With quickness or agility.
Yarely made the cut because it sounds rather pirate-y, and I love me a nice pirate-y word. Thinking about pirates makes me think about that weird "Arrrghhhh!" accent though. Where, exactly, did that come from? Most of these men, I'm assuming, were born on land, and therefore at least started out with some sort of regional dialect, whether it be British, Asian, or Swedish. Once they hit the open sea, however, they were all "Walk the plank" and "Shiver me timbers!" without a hint of where they came from. I find it baffling. Pirates are the only ones who have ever made up their own accent and to be honest, I'm kind of jealous. 
Pirates don't really strike me as the yarely type, though. In fact the entire reason I would want to become a pirate is so I could avoid having to move with any quickness or agility. People who want to escape, those are people who need quickness and agility. 
All you need when you're a pirate is a bottle of rum and a confused accent. 

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