Wednesday, June 1, 2011



\oh-BAHD\ , noun;
1.A song or poem greeting the dawn; also, a composition suggestive of morning.
I myself am not one for poetry, and even if I were I assure you I wouldn't waste the words or paper on something as irritating as the rising sun. I've come to understand there are "morning people" out there, although I've never met one seeing as how I am never awake during this period of time and if a person assures me they themselves are a morning person I eye with with great suspicion because honestly, what kind of person wakes up intentionally before the sun? To make matters even more annoying they aren't even waking up to drink or attend a party. It's usually to go "running" or just generally get an "early start to the day." 

I think they're lying. There is no way a person wakes up at 5 am to go running. They're just telling us this because they know we will never bother to check up on them.

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