Friday, February 25, 2011



\ hip-nuh-GOJ-ik; -GOH-jik \  , adjective;
1.Of, pertaining to, or occurring in the state of drowsiness preceding sleep.
This hynagogic state freaks me out in a bad way. If you're anything like me you've been there before, getting ready for your afternoon nap following a hard Saturday morning of sleeping in and fighting a hangover, and just as your weary head hits the pillow you fall into that odd state of not quite sleeping yet not and convince yourself a Zombie dolphin is going to swim out of the floor and bite you in the face. That's when you do that weird leg jerk thing and scare yourself awake.
The only time I feel dumber than when I do the leg jerk thing is when I scare myself awake from snoring too loud. 

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