Thursday, February 17, 2011



in-VAY-guhl; -VEE- \  , transitive verb;

1.To persuade by ingenuity or flattery; to entice.

2.To obtain by ingenuity or flattery.
This word reminds me of the time my friend returned the $250 he owed to me twenty minutes before we went to certain kind of place they refer to as a gentleman's club despite no actual gentleman being present there. 
I realize now that I was both inveigled by my friend, who filled me full of a strange brew that loosens inhibitions and, within certain limits, makes one exceedingly agreeable and then inveigled not twenty five minutes later by a girl who happened to be sitting on my lap. Strange occurrences, to be sure. I'll never touch a drop of that so called "whiskey" again.
So I was either duel-inveigled or re-inveigled. I'll have to give this far more consideration than what was supposed to be a simple story about a nice evening about town with an old school chum. 

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