Wednesday, May 4, 2011



in-kuh-MOH-dee-uhs\ , adjective;
1. Inconvenient, as not affording sufficient space or room; uncomfortable.
Let us consider for a moment driving, more specifically the act of merging into another lane. My commute home from work requires me to merge into the right lane in order to access the on ramp to the high way. I've learned there are certain people whose main goal is to prevent me from doing just the very merge needed to get home to my tivo in a prompt fashion. I'm not sure what's going on in there life, but losing a car length is not an option for them. I used to be patient and wait for a person who feels in control of there life enough that they might let me over as opposed to the individual who feels so out of control that the one and only thing they are able to do in their day is prevent me from changing lanes, giving them some sort of Lordly satisfaction. 
The blink blink blink of my turn signal used to be a request. An incessant "Please? Please? Please?" while I held up traffic. Over time, my turn signal has evolved from a request into a statement. When the blinker starts flashing I'm not letting other drivers know I am trying to merge. I let them know I AM merging, whether they like it or not. My sister, with whom I carpool, gave me sage advice. 

"Wait until someone with a nice car is coming up behind you, if you cut them off they will do everything they can to avoid hitting you." 

Wiser words have never graced my ears.

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