Sunday, May 8, 2011



\ pri-MON-ish \  , verb;
1.To warn beforehand.
As a good friend you are there to serve as a rock for the people you love. You are there to give them advice when they seek counsel, a shoulder to cry on, or premonishment when they need forewarned of impending doom. On occasion, you're friend might inform you of their intent to follow through with a certain action potentially causing  them moderate bodily injury, extreme social awkwardness and embarrassment, or otherwise general stupidity. These situations are ripe for your premonishing wisdom yet for some reason you hold back your thoughts and opinions because sometimes personal entertainment at the expense of the people you love trumps your unparalleled clarity and understanding of how events will unfold. 
So when your friend, the one who can't tie his own shoe without falling over, informs you of his desire to take up snowboarding, you need not feel guilty about holding back your thoughts. You are free to sip hot cocoa with the other snow bunnies in the heated lodge while watching him tumble to the bottom of the mountain. That's what friends are for. 

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