Wednesday, May 11, 2011



1. To smudge over; to besmear or soil with anything thick and dirty.
2. To over decorate, to ornament showily or excessively.

I am not a person who loves Christmas. Every year I try to get in the spirit of things and every year I just end up under an enormous pile of blankets yelling at people about the cold.

This is not about that, though. This is about Christmas lights and whether you like the skinny ones or the fat ones. Is it wrong that I quietly judge people who bedaub their homes with fat, bulbous Christmas lights? It's not that I hate the fat lights so much as I don't understand why you would choose them when you know the skinny lights are available.

Neglecting the use of the skinny Christmas lights in favor of the Fat lights is spitting in the face of technological evolution, and Christmas is about nothing if not about technology* that will be outdated within the year (hey, just in time for next Christmas!).

If you use the Fat lights you may as well go back to putting real candles on the tree and living in a log cabin without plumbing. It's that serious. So 7 months from now while your decorating the house with your family let's keep it classy with the skinny lights - it will save me from having to make inaccurate character judgements about the inhabitants of your lovely home.

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