Tuesday, July 26, 2011



kav-uhl-KAYD; KAV-uhl-kayd\ , noun;
1.A procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages.
2.Any procession.
3.A sequence; a series.
Cavalcade is simply a fun word to use, and can be used in so many situations. Your day at the Zoo could be a cavalcade of fun just as easily as your night at the bar could have  been a cavalcade of bad decisions. Either way they included a stolen giraffe and being thrown bodily from a public place. Not only can you "have" a cavalcade but you can also be a part of one. I feel like if you ever find yourself as a part of a cavalcade you will be part of a large group on horseback or unicycles. "The Renegade Unicyclists" might be your cavalcade name. Nobody would actually be scared of you because let's face it, all you would need is a light push and you would be flat on the ground. 

I think we need to keep kids out of gangs and in more cavalcades.

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