Thursday, March 31, 2011



1.An encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
intransitive verb:
1.To encamp for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
Let's consider briefly the people who bivouac outside of Wal-Mart the night before Black Friday in order to snare one of the hot deals on a big screen t.v. or a toaster oven. It's an interesting way to spend your time, and what better way to make a personal statement about the value of your time? If you told me you didn't have much going on in your life I might not believe you, but if you told me you were camping outside of Wal-Mart in order to save $200 on a flat screen I would make the assumption for myself. 
Line placement in these circumstances are tricky. Although you may want to be first through the doors you might also want to take into account the situations in which people have been crushed against plate glass windows by a mob of ornery deal seekers behind you. If and when you make it through the doors you also need to be wary of tripping and falling, lest you be trampled. Verifying your shoes are tied before the doors open is crucial. 
You may want to consider taking a person along whom you don't much care for. It will be a struggle to make it through the night sitting next to this undesirable, but when those doors slide open you will have a sacrificial lamb, so to speak. When that person isn't paying attention, be sure to tie their shoe laces together, ensuring their failure upon the initial rush. 
Needless to say, the road to discount electronics is paved with blood and waxed linoleum. 

Friday, March 25, 2011



a connoisseur of good food; gourmet; epicure.
I have a very end of days approach to food in that I eat as much as I can, as often as I can, especially when the meal is free. It doesn't matter if it is good food or bad food, so long as it is edible and can provide me a little fuel to get through the day. 
My friend, on the other hand, is a bit of a gastronome and to be honest it has made eating in public with him uncomfortable. He does nothing but talk of food. Where he ate, what he ate, and how good it was. You understand, then, that I always have him choose where we eat, assuming he knows the best places around town based on his apparent love of food. Except no matter what, without fail, he is never happy with the food or the service. He then continues to tell you about another, better restaurant he went to last month, leaving you wondering why he didn't take you to the great place from the beginning. It's maddening. 
Fortunately I can be just as happy with a bowl of Macaroni and Cheese as I can be with a good steak. I may not be classy, but I'm always satisfied.   

Thursday, March 24, 2011


1.extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy.
2.(of a person) given to speaking or writing at great or tedious length.
It always astonishes me how much people are willing to share with you about their personal life even upon first meeting you. It's one thing to pour your heart out to someone who has been your best friend since the third grade, but quite another to tell someone of your marital problems during the dinner party for a mutual acquaintance. 
Real Life Usage:

Me: What's good on this menu? I've never eaten here before.
Other: Oh, I don't know, I'm not very hungry. I just found out that my 14 year old brother got someone pregnant and my bank account is in the negative so I have to pay for this dinner with a stolen credit card and I'm pretty sure my boyfriend's pressing charges because I hit him...with a snow mobile. 
Me: Totally. I was thinking about getting a chicken sandwich with no mayo. I hate mayo. Not a lot of people know that about me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nolens Volens

no·lens vo·lens

1. whether willing or unwilling

I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to pull this word off in a conversation. It doesn't even sound real, it sounds like a children's story about a boy who grows flowers, which gets me thinking. 

I have fond memories of the books read to me as a child. James and the Giant Peach, Where the Wild Things Are, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day among many, many others. While thinking about it I realized something I never quite picked up on as a child. They have have pretty terrifying themes, don't they? I mean James' parents died and he was sent to live with his two Aunts, who nearly tortured him. The boy from Where the Wild Things Are is terrorized by monsters, and Alexander just has an awful day. 

What were they trying to tell us about life? 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011




–verb (used without an object), ‐at·ed, ‐at·ing.
1. to speak pompously.
If it does not come across in my writing then I assure I tend to bloviate in person, not that commoners would be able to use that word to describe it (although they have many other colorful words they employ to describe me). 
What this word actually reminds me of is any college writing course I have ever taken. 
If Steve Martin or PG Wodehouse were to casually stroll by, and then, as though by an afterthought, punch me in the face I would attribute their violence to artistic genius and wonder if punching myself in the face might make me a better writer. 
Either way, getting punched in the face is far preferable than listening to a group of 19 year olds wax philosophical on story arc.  

Monday, March 21, 2011



1.causing irritation, vexation, or annoyance: to cope with a nettlesome situation.
As the younger brother of two sisters I am well practiced in the art of being nettlesome. In fact, give me twenty minutes and I can get on any ones nerves, I am just that nettlesome.  

It surprised me this word isn't used more often given the fact that there is so much in the world that causes a pain in the ass. Take the Eskimo's for example, they have over 50 different words for snow. Why do you think they have over fifty different words for snow? It's because they deal with a ton of snow. And since nearly everything in life is a tremendous pain in the ass, I'm surprised we don't have more words like nettlesome. 

A little further consideration of the word yields a satisfactory explanation as to it's peculiar absence from the vernacular. Nettlesome just sounds so damn grandmotherly. You can't use the same words your grandmother uses in order to write newspaper headlines. 

I'll give you some examples of headlines and you pick the one that doesn't sound right.

"Disaster strikes Japan" or "Nettlesome Wave Washes Ashore" 

"Allied Jets Target Gaddafi" or "Gaddafi finds Rebellion a bit Nettlesome"

See? Nettlesome is a weak word. Life is too aggravating to bother with a word like it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011



that cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable: an indomitable warrior.
Not to be confused with abominable, which is a snow man, who also happens to be indomitable, unless you are standing near a heat lamp. 
Indomitable is a word best describing a drunk girlfriend in a bar parking lot who thinks you were flirting with the attractive red headed bartender. Logic no longer has a seat at the table and her feminine brain is hell bent on making a spectacle. In order to prove to herself that you still love her she attempts to cause a fight between you and another man forcing you to prove your masculinity. She never picks a guy built like a science geek, though. It is always the guy built like a Yeti, which is another term for Abominable Snowman. See how that all works out? 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



1.The act of washing or cleansing; specifically, the washing of the body, or some part of it.

2.The water used in cleansing.
The shower is a place where I do a lot of serious, deep thinking. When I am not meditating on important thoughts it becomes the place  where I sing a lot of 80's hairband ballads. Just as I get to the second verse of "Here I Go Again On My Own" I can't remember if I've shampooed my hair, and I'm forced to wash or rewash it out of fear and anxiety. 
It's not a proud moment in my day, but with a word like ablution at least I can feel a little smarter about it.
Real Life Usage:
"This armpit demands further ablution." 

Monday, March 14, 2011



\ pyoo-suh-LAN-uh-muhs \  , adjective;
1.Lacking in courage and resolution; contemptibly fearful; cowardly.
Today I saw a man wearing a t-shirt that stated "Pain is weakness leaving the body." I punched him and told him he was a stronger person. Then I ran, because that's assault. And nobody wants to have to deal with an assault case, especially at work on dress-casual Friday. I also ran because when push comes to shove, I am a coward.

I've always wondered how I would react if put into a dangerous situation. Unfortunately I found out a few months ago.

It's important to understand the lock on my apartment door does not function properly. The way I see it a lock has one duty. To lock. My lock does not live up to these expectations. In fact to call it a lock is very misleading, as it's name is precisely the thing it does not do. Perhaps my lock is having some sort of teenage identity crisis and can't figure out whether it wants to be a lock at all, which is fine. We all need room to grow, even inanimate locks, but if the lock ever tries to read me any of it's angst ridden poetry I'm just going to replace it. Without getting into too much detail about why I was sprinting into my apartment I'll tell you that I didn't focus on the door/lock situation. Let's just say my body knows exactly when I am 10 minutes away from home and sends a message to my brain stating we have to use the toilet RIGHT NOW. After slamming into the front door like a linebacker and taking care of the necessary actions I continued with my evening in the way I typically do; yoga exercises, meditation, and youtube videos of people fighting bears.

After my desire to watch people fist fight wild animals is satiated it usually means it's about time for bed. Everyone has a bed time ritual. There are certain things I need to do before going to bed to allow myself to sleep properly. Some people brush their teeth, other people check and make sure the stove isn't still on.

If you're anything like me you throw on a pair of footie pajamas, shot gun a beer and spank yourself on the ass. Then you point at the sky like you just scored a touchdown and shout out thanks to God. You're not thanking him for the spank on the ass, you're just thanking him for things in general. You have to go with what works for you. One thing I don't do is check to make sure my front door is locked, which in hindsight is not the best decision. Particularly when it comes to crime prevention.

Roughly around 2 am my front door BANGS open. I snap awake, my heart racing, thinking they've found me.* Then, silence. Here is where I should leap from my bed, grab a table lamp, and verbally abuse my would be attackers until they are shamed into leaving. "What are you doing with your lives!" I would shout. "This is no way to live, what would your mothers think!?" And then WHACK them on the head with the table lamp. After the table lamp has broken from the force with which I brandish it I would remove the dry erase board from my wall and, stating a good piece of advice with which the intruders will later use to turn their lives around, I would SMASH the dry erase board over the second intruders head, comically leaving him unable to move his arms as the dry erase board hugs them to his side. Then I would sit them both down on the couch, the first robber tied up with the lamp cord and the second robber still unable to move his upper body. And I would rob them. Because I have many dreams, and one of them is to rob anyone who tries to rob me.

I did not do any of the above mentioned things. What I actually did was allow my body to go completely rigid and lay in my bed, stiff as a board. My eyes were stuck wide open, and I noticed things about my ceiling that I never noticed before. There are a few moments of silence, then footsteps. I assume I am going to die and reposition myself on my stomach and in a sleeping position so when they find my cold body they will think I died in my sleep, instead of just laying there like a wimp. I may be a coward but I certainly know how to plan ahead. I wonder how they are going to do me in. I hope it wouldn't be with an object they found in my own apartment. There is just something depressing about the thought of being beaten to death with a picture frame I was so happy to purchase the week before. Not only that, but it seems unprofessional for a murderous burglar to use something he (or she, if women can vote then they can murder too) finds at the scene of the crime. it's kind of like saying "You know? I want to rob and kill somebody tonight, but I don't feel like packing my bag, ah well, I'll just find something there I guess."

Then I heard it.


There was a drunk giggling girl in my hallway. Given, my body still remained rigid as a board. I am just as intimidated by thieves as I am of drunk giggling girls (I am very shy) so I stayed in bed, not wanting to go out there saying something awkward and make a fool of myself.** There were a few more footsteps and then an "Oh!". I'm assuming the "Oh!" was her verbal expression of "This isn't my apartment. Welp! Gotta go!" Because right afterwards I heard her stumbling out of my apartment.

She didn't even close the door behind her. Which I felt was very impolite.


*Remind me to tell you about the ferret smuggling racket that fell through a few years ago. Long story short there are a few Uzbekistani nationalists very upset over a matter of 37 ferrets.

**So? Stumble in here drunk often?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Pablum [noun] - Trite, naive, simplistic ideas or writing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we need more words expressing how much something sucks. I feel like so many things suck that the phrase has been diluted. Getting a speeding ticket doesn't suck in the same way as getting a DUI, and the cast of Jersey Shore doesn't suck as much as the 1.4 million people who watch the show. They get paid for being dumb. I'm dumb for free every day. Who's the sucker here?

Common Usage:

Girl: How did your date with that guy go?
Date Girl: OMMGGG. So. freaking. pablum. All he did was talk about politics and books and his boring job and his stupid blog. He doesn't even own a tv! How can he watch Jersey Shore without a tv!?
Girl: Ew! We should start a charity for like, poor people who, like, don't own tv's. So they can watch Jersey Shore.

Friend: Dude, how did that date with that chick go?
Me: Sucked.
Friend: That sucks.
Me: Word

Thursday, March 3, 2011



 \ HIN-tur-land \  , noun;
1.A region situated inland from a coast.
2.A region remote from urban areas; back country.
3.A region situated beyond the major metropolitan or cultural centers.
I've always been jealous of men with exotic accents and their ability to sweep American women off their feet with a simple "Hello, I am from England. Don't I sound English? Now lets take our clothes off." whereas I'm just kind of a hick and seduce women with lines like, "Hey there pop tart, my hotel room has HBO, it would be awfully lonely watchin' that HBO all by myself tonight." 
But instead of just being some dumb, backwater hick like I always thought I was I now know that I come from a long, proud line of Hicks who have travelled from the hinterlands in search of true love and cable television. I just need to come up with a good accent to go along with my story. I also need to be able to speak in this accent with a large wad of chew in my mouth. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011



 \ BAY-luh-wik \  , noun;
1.A person's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.
2.The office or district of a bailiff.
One can have a very interesting "specific" area of knowledge, even if that area of knowledge has no practical use. Sometimes the person doesn't even know he (or she) is proficient in said area of expertise. Some people excel at back handed compliments. "You were so handsome when you were young!" while other people are good at being flat out obnoxious.

Other people seem to be capable of being wrong about everything. I don't even know how that's possible. 

I recently spoke with a Park Ranger who knew quite a bit about how to catch a crocodile. 

"Why would you want to catch a crocodile?" I asked
"So it doesn't eat anybody."
"Oh! Right..."

He informed me that running a zig zag pattern was useless when escaping a crocodile, as a straight line was the fastest point from A to B. It only takes a few pounds of pressure to keep a crocodiles mouth closed, whereas if it bites you, it takes thousands of pounds of pressure to open it. The best way to catch one is to sneak up behind them (apparently, they don't spend much time looking over their shoulders, which is fitting, as a crocodile doesn't have any shoulders*) and cover their eyes. Apparently crocodiles just shut down when their eyes are covered. Which doesn't make much sense. If anyone ever sneaks up on you from behind and covers your eyes I suggest you fight back immediately. Shutting down is a good way to get robbed...or molested...or worse. They might play you Justin Beiber albums. 
Or maybe it wasn't crocodiles he was talking about at all. It could have been alligators, making all of this advice I've passed on to you bunk. I'm not really sure. Listening isn't my bailiwick. 
