Monday, April 18, 2011



\ kawr-uh-BAN-tik \  , adjective;
1.Frenzied; agitated; unrestrained.
My cat had a pretty rough childhood. I took her in from the wild after she was abandoned at just a few weeks old. I've tried to get her reconciled to a more domesticated lifestyle but I don't think she trusts it. Between her absentee mother and the traumatic experience of what she may consider being kidnapped (I know my intentions are the best, but being chased after, snatched up, dunked in a bath, and having a pink ribbon tied around your neck may have left her a little frazzled) she is having a hard time adjusting. 
She certainly is not fond of loud banging noises, the slightest of which throw her into a corybantic state and causes her to turn into a fluffy blur in search of the nearest couch to hide under. Unfortunately for her I am not the most cat like of creatures, and my toes have never met a wall they haven't wanted to stub themselves upon. This throws me into a corybantic state, which includes language more suitable for Jerry Springer than an educational blog.
Regardless, I think the cat is better off. The only drawback to her new life with me is pretty soon she'll be cussing like a sailor.  

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