Thursday, April 28, 2011



\ vy-too-puh-RAY-shuhn, -tyoo- \  , noun;
1.The act or an instance of speaking abusively to or about.
2.Sustained and severely abusive language.
What is it about cussing that makes me so happy? The birth of a child, conversation with friends, a coy look from a loved one across a crowded room. These things are all nice, but none provide me with the same feelings of relief as coming up with new and interesting ways to cuss out a driver who cuts me off in traffic on the way to work.I'm not just talking about 4 letter words here. I'm speaking of an all encompassing vituperation that rains like napalm upon the unknowing stranger. I call things about the person into question that don't even make sense in the context of driving. Personal hygiene, choice in vehicle, bumper stickers, personalized license plates, taste in women (or men), hair style, what insurance company I believe they might purchase car insurance from. Nothing is off limits. 
This is a game just for me though. I've never been in a situation where I've been so truly angry that no matter how egregiously wrong the object of my scorn might be, my harsh words always make me look like the insane one.

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