Monday, January 3, 2011


descry dih-SKRY \  , transitive verb;

1. To catch sight of, especially something distant or obscure; to discern.
2. To discover by observation; to detect.
No other word in the English language reminds me of big foot and impending shark attacks like "descry". This isn't a word to fumble around with. You need it loaded and cocked in the holster, ready to fire off at any given moment, because by the time you lay this one down on your friends that Big Foot or shark is going to be all up in your face, and from then on it's all flailing limbs and cussing from there. The good news is that your friends, while being torn apart by an angry dolphin, will appreciate your mastery of the English language.
Real Life Usage:
Me: Hark! I believe I can descry a shadowy figure riding a galloping horse in the distance travelling our way. Let us sit idly by and appreciate the beauty of this glorious steed!
Friend: Dude that's not any shadowy figure, it's big foot riding a unicorn!
Me, being impaled by unicorn: Arghhhhh!
Friend (video taping with camera phone): Dude, this is going to get so many hits on youtube.

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